Posts Tagged 'omniture'

The Killers

This is a make-up post for an event that happened a little while ago, but which I didn’t get around to writing about it until now.  The first week of March, I attended the annual Omniture conference in SLC, UT for work.  They often have some great, entertaining, surprise guest to make the conference more fun.  This year, they completely surprised us by bringing in The Killers to play for us one night.  No one could believe that they had secured this band to play for us and just about everyone was excited about it.  Of course everyone was supposed to keep it somewhat quiet since we weren’t supposed to try to squeeze in any friends we might have brought with us or knew in the area, but I know some tried.  Anyhow, The Killers were playing for us at a really nice and huge venue which Omniture bused us to, and of course I can’t recall the name.  The concert was awesome!  I was able to get right up front and center to view the show and had a great time.  I don’t think the band expected a corporate gig to be very exciting, but in the end I think they were really blown away by the energy of the crowd that night.  It was very cool.  The Killers really put on a great show and I was reminded how many songs had been played on the radio as I had heard almost all of them and I hadn’t bought any of their albums, just downloaded individual songs that I liked over time.  Well, it was a very cool concert that was both a big surprise and pretty much paid for by my work.  Thanks Cobalt and Omniture! 🙂

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