Posts Tagged 'christmas'

The Kinect is really cool

For Christmas, I bought our family a Kinect.  It was tough having to wait to play it, but I didn’t want to just buy it so close to Christmas and miss the opportunity to have it be a cool present instead.  Previously I wrote about a funny aspect of this device but didn’t reveal when I would get a Kinect so that it would be a surprise to my family.  Anyhow, it is really cool as many people are finding.  Although it’s not perfect, it works pretty well for the most part and is a lot of fun.  You do want to give yourself some room to play it to avoid injury to yourself and others, but the game actually does a pretty good job of trying to make sure you know this and tries to ensure you are unimpeded.  It actually will pause when it detects someone else where you are supposed to be.  Not bad. 



I was able to take off some time during the Christmas and New Years holiday weeks which was nice.  The family and I went to Canada to visit my wife’s family and we had a good time just visiting and watching movies in my father-in-law’s new home theater room.  We also played in the snow a bit.  Mainly it was just nice not to be working for a little while, but it was a little tough getting back into the groove of work this week.

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