Posts Tagged 'halloween'

Halloween at work

Work was pretty interesting today on the day before the Halloween weekend because some people actually had the guts to think of some creative costumes and wear them during work hours and not just during our party at the end of the day.  One guy came in dressed in a robe with just boxers and a t-shirt on, like he had just rolled out of bed.  That was pretty funny.  One gal dressed up as a dust bunny, which I thought was kind of original as well.  My team, as I mentioned before, planned to dress up as a dodgeball team, which I think turned out great.  Everyone added their own personal touches to the outfits to make them entertaining.  Unfortunately we were robbed and lost the group costume contest.  It was disappointing, but in the end, we had a good time anyhow.  I just think it’s nice that my company still likes to enjoy Halloween and let’s us have fun with it, even at work.  Pictures attached this time.


I really don’t get people who dislike Halloween.  When else do you get a chance to dress up in a costume and look completely ridiculous and have people excited about it when they see you?  I really enjoy seeing others get into it as well.  It’s just fun.  And if you are a kid, it can be such a treat to know that you are about to load up on candy that your parents may not normally let you have much of (although it seems they get way too much on a normal basis nowadays, but that’s a different issue).  Anyhow, this year I was able to organize my group to participate in our annual Halloween party at work.  We decided we are going to dress up as dodgeball team players (sshhh, don’t tell my co-workers).  We came up with some moderately wacky team names and I did my best to make the text somewhat stylized for the girly colored shirts I ordered (yellow and lavender).  Unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to enlist some designer help on this, but I think they’ll be ok (I’ll post some pictures after the party).  The look should work anyhow especially as we make ourselves a little wacky and perhaps a little too into the sport.  I’m also planning to wear the costume to a Halloween party on the weekend.  Should be fun.  Do let me know what interesting ideas you have come up with this year, assuming you are not one of those people who dislike this whole dressing up affair.

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