Posts Tagged 'bobby lee'

Bobby Lee

I was able to see Bobby Lee perform live again last weekend.  He was his usual crazy self.  Very hilarious.  You must see him if you have the chance.

Bobby Lee

I had the chance to see Bobby Lee perform at the Parlor in Bellevue last night and he was hilarious.  The guy is just crazy and a comic genius.  At the start of the show, he got maybe 3 minutes into his set when an asian guy came back to his seat near the front and Bobby called him out and said he would now have to start all over.  So Bobby ran off stage and the announcer came back out on stage to introduce him again and then he came back on and did a quick version of what he had just delivered.  The announcer didn’t miss a beat but was also struggling to keep his composure.  It was really funny that he turned such a normal non-event for us into a hilarious and seemingly impromptu bit.  And of course he made sure to take off his clothes down to his underwear in the act, which he was fairly known for doing on Mad TV (actually he would strip down all the way on the show and they would simply grey it out for TV).  You must see him if you get the chance.  He is the funniest guy you will ever see live.

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