Posts Tagged 'mythbusters'

Another great myth busted: cell phone use at the gas pump

Don’t they even have signs up at most gas stations telling you not to talk on your cell phone while pumping gas?  I know I still see them, but apparently this isn’t a likely scenario.  Apparently the more common occurrence is that of people building up static electricity and not grounding themselves before removing the nozzle from the car.  Interesting:

Finally. An answer to the age old question on fuel efficiency on a hot day.

I don’t know about you, but I really love the mythbusters concept.  They go out and test all the myths and age-old advice that exists and try to find some truth.  I love it – so helpful to those of us who don’t have the time or resources or brains to figure everything out on our own, even though we’d love to know the truth (and you know I would certainly give it a try if I could).  Well recently they finally help answer the question of which is more fuel efficient on a hot day: running the A/C with the windows up or opening up your windows.  The answer I think might surprise some people:

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